What is Web Services Certification?

Question 1 of 16
What is OCEWSD 6?
Oracle offers an OCEWSD 6 exam to achieve Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer Certification.

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer Certification provides basic knowledge required to develop Java EE 6 Web service applications using JAX-WS, JAX-RS and XML processing APIs.
Question 2 of 16
How to attend OCEWSD 6?
You need to complete 1Z0-897 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer Certified Expert Exam to achieve this certification.
Question 3 of 16
How long I need to prepare to get good score?
You can access our Time Estimator to know your preparation estimation at http://www.epractizelabs.com/certification-advisor/time-estimator.php?s=10
Question 4 of 16
What are the study materials are recommended for this certification?
EPractize Labs offer complete Training Material that includes set of Mock Exams to prepare for this certification. You can download at http://www.epractizelabs.com/certification/sun/oce-webservices-exam-6.html
Question 5 of 16
What are the benefits I can achieve after completing this exam?
  • The certification empowers in driving Java EE Technologies for SOA based applications.
  • OCE for Java EE 6 Web Services certified experts can easily evaluate various design options (SOAP, REST, JSON), APIs (JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB), software COTS components, etc.
  • Being a certified Web Service developer/designer will help to improve your career potential, gain more respect, boost up your job security and opportunities.
  • With OCE certification, you are more competitive in the job market.
Question 6 of 16
What other certifications I can take after completing this certification?
Once you completing OCEWSD 6 certification you can take the following exams,

Question 7 of 16
Where do I get free mock exam to test my knowledge?
Question 8 of 16
Where do I get free Tutorial for this exam?
Question 9 of 16
Where do I get complete exam objectives?
Exam Objective
  1. Create an SOAP web service in a servlet container
  2. Create a RESTful web service in a servlet container
  3. Create a SOAP based web service implemented by an EJB component
  4. Create a RESTful web service implemented by an EJB component
  5. Configure JavaEE security for a SOAP web service
  6. Create a web service client for a SOAP based web service
  7. Create a web service client for a RESTful web service
  8. Create a SOAP based web service using Java SE platform
  9. Create handlers for SOAP web services
  10. Create low-level SOAP web services
  11. Use MTOM and MIME in a SOAP web service
  12. Use WS-Addressing with a SOAP web service
  13. Configure Message Level security for a SOAP web service
  14. Apply best practices to design and implement web services
You can visit Oracle site at http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=427 or Download EPractize Labs Java EE 6 Web Services OCE Training Lab and click Plan > Objective to know more details about this certification.
Question 10 of 16
How much cost I need to pay for this exam?
You need to pay $ 300 for this exam.
Question 11 of 16
How many years of experience are recommended?
No Experience is recommended.
Question 12 of 16
Is there any prerequisite for this certification?
Oracle Certified Professional, Java Programmer (SE 5 or SE 6) OR Sun Certified Java Programmer (any edition)
Question 13 of 16
What is the passing score of this exam?
OCEWSD 6 certification exams passing score is 64%.
Question 14 of 16
How many numbers of questions are available in this exam?
OCEWSD 6 certification exam contains 68 questions.
Question 15 of 16
How much time duration for this exam?
OCEWSD 6 certification exam time duration is 90 minutes.
Question 16 of 16
What kind of knowledge I can achieve after completing this certification?
Certified individuals should understand and appreciate web services as a realization of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and how to use the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology design patterns and best practices when designing web services.