Oracle offers variety of Java Certifications for all Java Editions (Java SE, Java EE and Java ME). Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Component Developer (Formerly Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)) certification provides knowledge required to develop Java EE 5 Web applications using JSP and Servlets.
What exam I need to pass to achieve OCP for Java EE 5 Web Component Developer Certification?
You need to complete 1Z0-858 Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Component Developer Certified Professional Exam to achieve this certification.

What kind of knowledge I can achieve after completing this certification?
This certification is for developers specializing in the application of JavaServer Pages and servlet technologies used to present Web services and dynamic Web content.
Do I need any prior certification to take this exam?
Oracle Certified Professional, Java (SE 5 or SE 6) Programmer OR Sun Certified Java Programmer (any edition)
Where do I get complete information about exam objective?
- Topic 1 The Servlet Technology Model
- Topic 2 The Structure and Deployment of Web Applications
- Topic 3 The Web Container Model
- Topic 4 Session Management
- Topic 5 Web Application Security
- Topic 6 The JavaServer Pages (JSP) Technology Model
- Topic 7 Building JSP Pages Using the Expression Language (EL)
- Topic 8 Building JSP Pages Using Standard Actions
- Topic 9 Building JSP Pages Using Tag Libraries
- Topic 10 Building a Custom Tag Library
- Topic 11 Java EE Patterns
You can visit Oracle site at or Download EPractize Labs SCWCD 5 Training Lab and click Plan > Objective to know more details about this certification.
How much time I need to prepare for this exam?
You can access our Time Estimator to know your preparation estimation at
Is there any recommended Training Guide or Book available for this certification?
EPractize Labs offer complete Training Material that includes set of Mock Exams to prepare for this certification. You can download at
What are the benefits I can achieve after completing this exam?
- Clear evidence that you have experience in Java technology servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) application program interface (APIs) to develop web applications.
- The certification empowers in driving Web Application Programming based on Servlet and JSP APIs.
- SCWCD/OCPJWCD certified programmers can easily design and develop the code based on Java EE patterns and JSP EL.
- Being a SCWCD /OCPJWCD certified developer helps you to improve your career potential, gain more respect, and boost up your job security and opportunities.
- With SCWCD /OCPJWCD certified developer, you become more competitive in the job market.
What are the benefits my employer can achieve after completing this exam?
- Enables management to distinguish SCWCD /OCPJWCD certified programmer as Java professionals who can develop quality code efficiently and effectively.
- Helps in deciding the best development APIs or Java Components based on latest Java EE APIS.
- More confidence to work on Java Code technical decisions with business partners.
- Enables project team to get best coding practices and guidance from a qualified Java Developer.
Good luck for your preparation!