Yes, we are introducing 200% Test Pass Guarantee
Why : With a whooping confidence due to 100% Success rate till now, we are introducing this unconditional 200% Test Pass Guarantee. Professionals rated EPractize Labs products as the world's best IT Certification Preparation without studying vast materials.
What : In rare case if you are unable to clear your actual certification exam, we will refund your product money (100%) and also we offer 100% discount (FREE) on any other Exam EPractize Labs product.
How: You need to send your scanned score report and order number to avail 200% money back guarantee. Your reports are subject to verification.
EPractize Labs - Money Back Process
Reports generated by EPractize Labs
You should have completed (at least the basic goals set) EPractize Labs practice sessions before exam to ensure that you have properly used the product.
To ensure this you have to send EPractize Labs report files (.epl) from the product installation folder or screenshots of goals and schedule tracker reports.
Exam Score Reports
Your exam score report will be verified with certification vendor.
Unique certification candidate id or equivalent .
What customer say?
I used your tool for preparing SCEA Part 1 Exam . The methodology really rocks. - Vishal Gupta, Kanbay SCEA Part 1 - 95%
The methodology used is really good. - Faraz Waseem, USA SCEA Part 1 - 98%
Thanks a lot for your marvelous tool. Without your tool I wouldn't have cleared this exam - Brijesh NK, LG SCEA Part 1 - 89%
I greatly appreciated the style of the diagrams and the choice to clearly separate them between layers in order to better stress tiers related responsibilities. - Antonio Gallo, IBM, Italy SCEA Part II and III - 94%
The test and the software were excellent. It helped me considerably in preparing for the exam. - Steve McLeod, Germany SCJP 5.0 - 87%